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Becoming a Member:
Club Woodbridge offers very competitive rates. Other facilities in the area are charging for one person at their seasonal rate for every day usage, what we charge for an annual family membership of Six. Currently we have a limited amount of openings for the up coming Season.
When we reach capacity, membership requests will go on a waiting list. Candidates will be notified by contact information provided/received.
Please make sure your information is current and correct.
We will extend a 7 day waiting period once contacted. In the event we do not hear back from potential member, individual will go to bottom of wait list.
Hit "Membership Agreement PDF" button below, print and mail to Club Woodbridge with enclosed payment (1013 New Camp Creek Church Road, Kings Mtn, NC 28086) or
Affordable Membership Plans:
Senior Family
Senior Couple
Single Person
Single Senior
10% military discount
press button for contract information
Automatic Bank Draft Option
To maintain affordability, and preventing additional processing fees, we offer a monthly recurring bank draft option. All you need to enroll is a voided blank check, and in the amount field write,
"I hereby authorize Club Woodbridge to deduct XX amount (amount depends on which membership best suits you), out of this bank account". Auto draft will begin on the 1st or 15th of each month. (form can be found in membership agreement.
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